I didn’t have the term for it until I was in my 30s, but people pleasing was what I was doing for much of my life.  

I chose the path laid out for me. I morphed myself hoping to be ‘liked’ in each social setting. I was low maintenance, go with the flow, and never set boundaries. I was co-dependent in my relationships. And I had a constant negative voice telling me I wasn’t good enough. I looked outside of myself for the answers and for the nod of approval. I was terrified of being disliked, disappointing anyone, and doing it wrong. All the while, I didn’t even like myself.

Overcoming people pleasing is a journey. I imagine it like peeling back the layers to your authentic self – sometimes an onion, sometimes a cake.

It can be an intense journey at times. It’s also so freeing and liberating.

And one thing is for sure, it is worth it. You are worth it.

I can teach you how to overcome people pleasing.

I can guide you through your journey.

I can coach you through the barriers to your desires.

Through my own journey and the journey of my clients, I created these 5 pillars for my program:
  1. Learning How to Create and Establish Boundaries.
  2. Letting Go of Other’s Expectations for Your Life.
  3. Claiming What You Want for Your Life and Going For It!
  4. Raising your confidence, self-esteem and belief through thought work.
  5. And most importantly, learning to LOVE yourself through the process.
If you’re ready to overcome people pleasing and design the life you genuinely, deeply love, book a call with me now to get started.


  In 2017, I left my high-paying pharmaceutical job because I was tired of doing what I was "supposed to do". I knew whatever was within me did not align with who I was pretending to be and what I was doing. I knew there was more for my life. And that is when I found coaching. Then, I became the creator of my life. My life transformed and I knew coaching is exactly where I wanted to be - to do this work for other people. 
I have coached people in all walks of life and specialize in coaching people pleasers. I have a passion to help people step into their most authentic life. I believe everyone deserves to live a life they truly love without the worry of "doing it right" or for the approval of anyone else. AND WAKE UP EXCITED ABOUT LIFE (especially Mondays ;-))!

I support people by meeting them where they are at all the way to where they want to be. 

You are the designer of your life. Let's make it magnificent.